Prepare your stay at the Saint Marc hotel
Consult our offers
In Mollans sur Ouvèze, in the Drôme provençale and at the foot of the Mont Ventoux...
Cultural sites and ancient vestiges near the hotel as well as places for sports and nature activities.
Please enter your dates to see our availability.
Early booking (non-cancellable & non-refundable)
Take advantage of the lowest offer for your stay in Provence with the early booking offer which is non-cancellable and non-refundable
+ check avalabilitiesWeekly stay (cancellable and modifiable)
Take advantage of the lowest offer for your stay in Provence with the early booking offer which is non-cancellable and non-refundable
+ check avalabilitiesPremium stopover evening - reserved for professionals
Take advantage of the lowest offer for your stay in Provence with the early booking offer which is non-cancellable and non-refundable
+ check avalabilitiesLast minute rate
Take advantage of our last minute offer for a stay starting today or tomorrow, in Provence
+ check avalabilitiesEarly booking 2025
Take advantage now of our early bird offer for the 2025 season
+ check avalabilities